How to Turn a Beer Bottle into a Glass Cup

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Warning: This is not meant to be done under the influence! If you are ‘that guy’ that thinks he can do anything, do not proceed to read! is not responsible for your stupidity and/or drunk actions! Gracias!

Use a bottle with thick glass, preferably a a Corona bottle. Tie a string tightly around the empty bottle just above the label. Note how I said EMPTY bottle.
Use a bottle with thick glass, preferably a a Corona bottle. Tie a string tightly around the empty bottle just above the label. Note how I said EMPTY bottle.
Soak the string in the lighter fluid.
Soak the string in the lighter fluid.
Put the string back on the bottle and light it. Hold the bottle horizontally and rotate it so the flame spreads. Wait to hear the bottle crack slightly, about 10 seconds.
Put the string back on the bottle and light it. Hold the bottle horizontally and rotate it so the flame spreads. Wait to hear the bottle crack slightly, about 10 seconds.
Sand around the top of your magical glass cup until smooth and wah lah! Now I wouldn't say this is the best idea, but it works and if you were 'that guy' and were successful, it gives you all the bragging rights you want big guy! Credit: Mens Humor
Sand around the top of your magical glass cup until smooth and wah lah!

Now I wouldn’t say this is the best idea, but it works and if you were ‘that guy’ and were successful, it gives you all the bragging rights you want big guy! Credit: Mens Humor

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